


5 out of 5 Stars for Flavor!

I had an interest in trying samples of these crackers since the company, by  advertises them to be 100% Whole Grain, Saturated Fat Free, Cholesterol Free, Certified Gluten Free and Peanut Free – all things my adult daughter is very careful about and many items we have tried quite frankly don’t taste very good. I will admit I had my reservations and went into this sampling thinking the crackers would be dry and “cardboard” like. I was preparing for a road trip with my adult children and a 4 year old and thought what better time to do a tasting – both adults and a child would be able to give me their honest opinion and we all know – “out of the mouth of babes….”

My first observation would be – why are these advertised as being “for kids. Every person that tried one of these crisps was amazed at the flavor. I initially tasted the Cheezy Crisps and thought how much better they tasted then a Cheez-It (which is my normal cheese cracker of choice). The flavor is much more natural and cheesier and I immediately thought this would be my new choice when shopping.

Later in the day I tried the Grammy Crisp, passed around the box to everyone in the car and without hesitation my little 4 year old traveler said “these are good!” I am a fan of anything cinnamon and these did not let me down and were enjoyed by everyone. The box was emptied within a very short time.

These are healthy snacks that any child (or adult) will love! I would highly recommend these be tried by your family. Below is a list of all the nutritional and ingredient information. You can also visit this link to find a store near you that carries these crisps and to get a coupon towards your purchase –

Note:  I was supplied with one box of each flavor of crisp by (brand marketing and development company). I have received no other compensation for my opinion and review. will also be providing a sample 6-pack to one of my site’s giveaway winners!

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