Mandara Spa

2013-05-30 11.33.29A draft of this post has been sitting here for a week. I usually have no problem getting started and moving forward but for some reason I have been sitting here endlessly looking at the title and feeling overwhelmed. I realized today the reason – there is just too much information about the Mandara Spa at Walt Disney World Swan and Dolpin that I want to share and trying to condense it all into a blog post is what has been overwhelming to me!

2013-05-30 11.34.15On my recent tour of the resort, I was given the opportunity to take a peek inside the spa. The atmosphere is stunning, serene, calming and beautiful. The services are many. In the spa or in your resort room, you can choose from a long list and program of services that include “spa ceremonies” that last from one to five hours. Alone or as a couple, the therapists of the Mandara Spa will create a sanctuary just for you.

With all of the above being said, I know I will not do the spa justice so will refer you directly to their site., where you will be able to read a description of each service offered (close to 40 different options), as well as see their price list. The prices are varied, starting at around $30 for a hair conditioning treatment and soaring up to $585 for a Nirvana-Bliss for a Day package that includes deep tissue massage, resurfacing facial, hand and foot rituals, hair salon shampoo and style and makeup application and lunch, lasting 5.5 hours.

A visit to the Mandara Spa at Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin is definitely something that has made it’s way onto my bucket list!

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