

When I was recently given the opportunity to review this product, I had mixed thoughts about it. I remembered the name from my youth and could almost see the box sitting on my Grandmother’s self, so knew the product has been around for many years. I asked myself, “What can this product do that every other newer product on the market doesn’t do?” I set about this past weekend trying every suggested use from the back of the box.

2013-06-07 16.45.20

As you can see from the box, the suggested uses are many so I started with laundry. I used  the product as a Laundry booster – replacing the bleach I would  normally use washing my whites. My whites came out whiter then ever – and with no bleachy smell! Again following the suggested usage for stains, I pre-spotted a shirt that my husband had spilled coffee on. When the shirt was laundered – the stain was gone!

I sprinkled 3 tablespoons into my kitchen garbage disposal as directed – no more disposal order!

I cleaned my stove top, my countertops, microwave, and added some to my dishwasher – each result better than the next! Little to no rinsing needed on my stove and counters and my glasses coming out of the dishwasher sparkle!

Next I tackled my clear glass shower doors and toilets. Soap scum gone! Clean toilets! Little to no rinsing on the shower doors – not only does the product work well – it makes cleaner easier since I did not have to go back and keep rinsing to achieve the shine I like. And best of all – no chemical smells!

I believe I have found my new all purpose cleaning product! One product that covers so many things – kitchen, bathroom, laundry, tile – what a money saver this will be! Visit to learn all about suggested uses and Cleaning Tips

I would love for you all to try 20 Mule Team Borax and have 3 boxes to give away (coupon for a FREE box). Leave a comment if you are interested in trying a box. Each comment will be assigned a number and on Friday, June 14, will generate 3 numbers. Winners will be notified via e-mail (so be sure you do not comment anonymously!) and will have 48 hours after notification to provide a mailing address.

Borax provided a free sample of their product for this post. My participation is voluntary and my opinions, as always, are my own.

1 Response to Borax

  1. Melanie says:

    Borax is awesome I make my own laundry detergent with borax, washing soda and dawn. It is also a great ant deterrent.

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